Sunday, January 6, 2013


     I'm starting a second journal to chronicle what my life has been like for the last 32 years. When you think of PTSD the first images in your head are people in the military or survivors of sexual abuse. My PTSD was cause by the person I trusted the most, my mother. They way she abused me was through physical, emotional, and psychological abuse. You never think or hear about that kind of abuse causing PTSD, but it does. I have horrible self esteem, recurring nightmares, such bad anxiety that I have a hard time reconnecting with people from my past and connecting with people in my present. I second guess myself constantly and sometimes the words coming out of my mouth don't really reflect my thoughts in any given situation.
     In writing out my experiences, I hope to shed some light on other causes of PTSD and to maybe help those who are suffering in a similar way to myself.